Our specials

Hoogstraten Specials

Tomato Specials

Our Hoogstraten tomato specials already have the widest range, with the Coeur de Boeuf tomatoes, the Miss Perfect tomatoes, the Bellino and the Kumato. That is just a small selection from the range of different tomatoes in colour, size and flavour that we offer at Coöperatie Hoogstraten . 
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Hoogstraten Specials

Girls with strawberries
Since 2005 you can also enjoy our specials.

A fresh wind blew through our product range when we decided to offer a solution to the great demand for healthy snacks. The perfect alternative for that biscuit or cereal bar, and moreover provided in handy packaging!

All our specials are grown according to the strict Flandria standards. Through sustainable cultivation and a host of external checks, we guarantee top quality and only the very best products deserve the Hoogstraten specials logo.

Mini cucumber

In 2011, we added mini cucumbers to our standard offering. These are an ideal healthy snack on the go, nice and fresh with a crunchy bite. The mini cucumbers are available from February to October and can be used as a snack or in a salad.

Mini sweet pepper

These little brothers of the standard sweet pepper are suitable as a healthy snack. They fall under a new segment, at Den Berk délice from Hoogstraten, and are bite-sized.
Den Berk Délice

Spicy peppers

Hot, hot, hot... and colourful! These peppers are ideal for hot dishes, salads or gazpacho. They give that extra touch of spice to your dish. The hot peppers are available all year round and in 3 colours: red, green and yellow.

Hoogstraten Pumpkins

At Coöperatie Hoogstraten, you can find delicious pumpkins in all shapes and colours. They are the ideal taste makers for the autumn and winter months. Pumpkins can be used to make delicious soups and curries, but did you know that pumpkins are also suitable for a whole range of other preparations? For example, raw, roasted, mashed, stewed or even as a filling for bread and cakes. Moreover, pumpkins are full of good qualities.
Pumpkins are best stored in dry, dark places and are available from August to December.

Pumpkins Coöperatie HoogstratenWebsite auction Hoogstraten
Strawberry mix

Strawberry specials

These strawberries are slightly smaller than standard strawberries and in our assortment we have 3 varieties.

Pineapple Strawberry: a special strawberry with a white to light pink color and red seeds. Lovely fresh-sweet taste reminiscent of the taste of pineapple.

Raspberry Strawberry: this strawberry has deep seeds and a deep red color, just like a raspberry. Has a surprisingly sweet and juicy taste.

Peach Strawberry: this strawberry has deep seeds and a soft pink color, just like a peach. It tastes delicately sweet and juicy.

All of these specialty strawberries are a natural cross between two strawberry varieties. They are beautiful as decoration, but also delicious on the palate.

In addition, since this year we have the Summer Whites strawberries. These special strawberries are white in color and deliciously sweet. They can be found in some stores in a duo pack along with our delectable red strawberries.


It's small, it's Belgian and it's not a praline. What is it? The Tomélon of course!

Tomeco from Hoogstraten has been producing the purebred Belgian mini-pastèque in three sizes since 2021: fine, medium and coarse. That way the melon fits perfectly in the fridge and you can easily eat it alone or with two, with no leftovers!

Nice detail: the even skin of the Tomélon is thinner. So you can eat it like an apple, skin and all!

Mini watermelons

Our guests

Products that we also offer and market through guest auction include courgettes, gherkins, asparagus, cauliflower, radishes and aubergines.

We do this because our main aim is to market healthy and safe food at the best price for our members. To achieve this, we work closely with organisations that, like us, strive for the highest quality. Other cooperatives can offer their products to us (and vice versa), without the need for affiliated growers. This coöperation is clearly bearing fruit. Since 1996, we have been mixing our product range with that of fellow cooperatives.

Asparagus Coöperatie Hoogstraten
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