Our tomatoes

Hoogstraten Tomatoes

Hoogstraten Tomatoes,
delicious diversity!

At Coöperatie Hoogstraten we are the reference for tomatoes in Belgium. Depending on which definition you use, a tomato can be either a fruit or a vegetable, but we don't care about those definitions. Together with our growers, we make sure that you can enjoy tasty, high-quality tomatoes all year round. And that in all colours, shapes and sizes. 

You can always have a tomato

Snacking remains a growing trend in tomatoes. Besides taste and quality, packaging is also very important. Consumers are more aware of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle and look for products that fit in with that.

Of course, the classic moments of use will always exist, but Coöperatie Hoogstraten wants to emphasise the possibilities that are less obvious.

Tomatoes for breakfast, tomatoes as a workplace snack, in a smoothie... the possibilities are endless. The specials of Coöperatie Hoogstraten lend themselves to all these moments. From crunchy and sweet to firm and juicy, and all equally delicious. Be sure to check out our recipes with the different tomatoes.

Click and discover our variety of tomatoes

Swipe and discover our variety of tomatoes


Tomatoes: Quality

Tomato picker
All Hoogstraten tomatoes meet the legal requirements for primary vegetable production and a number of supra-statutory specifications (production, sustainability, social practices, etc.), in addition to which only the best quality receives the Flandria quality label. This guarantees tomatoes grown with respect for nature.

Our cooperative is a leader in Belgium for tomatoes with year-round production and a wide range. Every year we market more than 100,000 tons of tomatoes.

Year-round production

Tasty Hoogstraten tomatoes are available year-round . The summer months naturally have the largest supply. But thanks to cultivation with lighting, you can also enjoy them during the holidays.

Our tomatoes are grown only in greenhouses at height. So the ripe fruits always hang down, at picking height, and the flowers for pollination at the top. Substrate cultivation is the rule in tomato growing today. The plants no longer stand with their roots in the ground; they root in soils made of rock wool or coconut.
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