Ludo van Zundert


Ludo van Zundert

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Ludo van Zundert

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Louis van Zundert is a grower of the old generation in Hoogstraat. Hard work, love of the trade and more than 20 years of experience ensure that he produces delicious strawberries every day. A day at a strawberry grower's is hard work. The alarm clock rings at 6 a.m. and at 7 a.m. they start picking. In the afternoon, the product is made ready for transport and taken to the auction. We then continue picking until the evening. The strawberries are then placed in a refrigerator and the cold chain is started. After 9 pm, we prepare for the next day by getting everything ready. We also tidy up, do some small jobs and then it's time to crawl under the covers.

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Ludo van Zundert


Louis van Zundert is a grower of the old generation in Hoogstraat. Hard work, love of the trade and more than 20 years of experience ensure that he produces delicious strawberries every day. A day at a strawberry grower's is hard work. The alarm clock rings at 6 a.m. and at 7 a.m. they start picking. In the afternoon, the product is made ready for transport and taken to the auction. We then continue picking until the evening. The strawberries are then placed in a refrigerator and the cold chain is started. After 9 pm, we prepare for the next day by getting everything ready. We also tidy up, do some small jobs and then it's time to crawl under the covers.



Ludo van Zundert

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