Piet Hendrickx


Piet Hendrickx

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Piet Hendrickx

Originating from:


Hello, my name is Piet and together with my wife Addie I have been growing strawberries since 1989. Our farm is adjacent to the beautiful nature reserve of the Pannenhoef. It's a pleasure to work every day with such a beautiful view. We get up at the crack of dawn and get ready to pick strawberries, starting at 7 am. We try to plan ahead so that we have enough staff to finish picking around noon. This is not only better for the strawberries, but also for the staff. In the afternoon we start taking care of the plants. Once the weeds have been weeded, the straw laid and everything tidied up, we call it a day. We avoid working until late in the evening as much as possible, but in busy periods there is no way around it. Occasionally, we also work on Sundays, but usually we keep it as a day of rest!

Piet Hendrickx


Hello, my name is Piet and together with my wife Addie I have been growing strawberries since 1989. Our farm is adjacent to the beautiful nature reserve of the Pannenhoef. It's a pleasure to work every day with such a beautiful view. We get up at the crack of dawn and get ready to pick strawberries, starting at 7 am. We try to plan ahead so that we have enough staff to finish picking around noon. This is not only better for the strawberries, but also for the staff. In the afternoon we start taking care of the plants. Once the weeds have been weeded, the straw laid and everything tidied up, we call it a day. We avoid working until late in the evening as much as possible, but in busy periods there is no way around it. Occasionally, we also work on Sundays, but usually we keep it as a day of rest!



Piet Hendrickx

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