George Brouwers


George Brouwers

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George Brouwers

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We bought the first land in the fall of 2015. Initially, the intention was to turn it into an standard orchard. However, as we were delving into the fruit types and varieties, we became excited about growing cherries and plums. We planted the first cherry and plum orchard in early spring 2006. By the way, fruit cultivation was not an entirely new activity for me. In my younger years, I worked a lot in my parents' standard orchard. After my studies at the Technical University in Eindhoven, I started working as a business administrator in the Higher Vocational Education among others as a teacher. Here I have worked until September 2015. Looking for new developments in fruit cultivation, I discovered the kiwi berry on the internet in 2008. In 2009 we built the first small plantation and in 2010 the second. At that time we had never seen a kiwi berry in reality. The farm has a harvest period of more than three months. First cherries, then plums and finally the kiwi berries. The sorting is experienced as tedious, the discussion is often good or not. Partly because of this we are happy with the sorting facility of the auction. We also see that Hoogstraten takes good care of marketing, advertising and sales. The facilities of Coöperatie Hoogstraten, the support of the University of Ghent, the rise of the health cult and especially the healthy food products, of which berries are especially mentioned, made us decide to build a third kiwi berry plantation.

George Brouwers


We bought the first land in the fall of 2015. Initially, the intention was to turn it into an standard orchard. However, as we were delving into the fruit types and varieties, we became excited about growing cherries and plums. We planted the first cherry and plum orchard in early spring 2006. By the way, fruit cultivation was not an entirely new activity for me. In my younger years, I worked a lot in my parents' standard orchard. After my studies at the Technical University in Eindhoven, I started working as a business administrator in the Higher Vocational Education among others as a teacher. Here I have worked until September 2015. Looking for new developments in fruit cultivation, I discovered the kiwi berry on the internet in 2008. In 2009 we built the first small plantation and in 2010 the second. At that time we had never seen a kiwi berry in reality. The farm has a harvest period of more than three months. First cherries, then plums and finally the kiwi berries. The sorting is experienced as tedious, the discussion is often good or not. Partly because of this we are happy with the sorting facility of the auction. We also see that Hoogstraten takes good care of marketing, advertising and sales. The facilities of Coöperatie Hoogstraten, the support of the University of Ghent, the rise of the health cult and especially the healthy food products, of which berries are especially mentioned, made us decide to build a third kiwi berry plantation.



George Brouwers

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