Mark van Aert


Mark van Aert

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Mark van Aert

Originating from:


Hello, my name is Mark Van Aert and I grew up on a horticultural farm. Even though it wasn't my plan at first, I ended up in and among strawberries. In 1990 I decided to join my parents' business, later I took over the company completely. Over the years, the cultivation has expanded, moreover, we cultivate through different methods to extend the harvesting season and reduce weather influences. These methods consist of outdoor strawberries and strawberries on racks. I find it super to be able to grow for Hoogstraten, here is a good understanding between the growers and the Cooperative. Moreover, Coöperatie Hoogstraten strives for the same high quality strawberries as ourselves. Besides my work, I am also active on the board of the trial center in Hoogstraten, where new varieties of strawberries are researched. As you can see, a large part of my life revolves around strawberries. Enjoy your meal!

Mark van Aert


Hello, my name is Mark Van Aert and I grew up on a horticultural farm. Even though it wasn't my plan at first, I ended up in and among strawberries. In 1990 I decided to join my parents' business, later I took over the company completely. Over the years, the cultivation has expanded, moreover, we cultivate through different methods to extend the harvesting season and reduce weather influences. These methods consist of outdoor strawberries and strawberries on racks. I find it super to be able to grow for Hoogstraten, here is a good understanding between the growers and the Cooperative. Moreover, Coöperatie Hoogstraten strives for the same high quality strawberries as ourselves. Besides my work, I am also active on the board of the trial center in Hoogstraten, where new varieties of strawberries are researched. As you can see, a large part of my life revolves around strawberries. Enjoy your meal!



Mark van Aert

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