Robert van Aert


Robert van Aert

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Robert van Aert

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Let me introduce myself, I am Robert Van Aert and since 1995 I have been growing strawberries for Coöperatie Hoogstraten. My father already grew strawberries, and I followed in his footsteps at another location. Working among and with strawberries is a passion for me. As a grower, I am constantly working with the strawberries. I have strawberries on racks under protective covers and in a plastic greenhouse. I enjoy working among the strawberries because of the constant variety. Not only the picking is varied, but also the growing process. So that process is very important for strawberries. I am happy to be part of Coöperatie Hoogstraten and to be able to produce such a high quality product together with my colleagues. Our strawberries are usually picked in the morning and then taken straight to the auction, after which they quickly reach your plate. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and a skiing vacation is always welcome.

Robert van Aert


Let me introduce myself, I am Robert Van Aert and since 1995 I have been growing strawberries for Coöperatie Hoogstraten. My father already grew strawberries, and I followed in his footsteps at another location. Working among and with strawberries is a passion for me. As a grower, I am constantly working with the strawberries. I have strawberries on racks under protective covers and in a plastic greenhouse. I enjoy working among the strawberries because of the constant variety. Not only the picking is varied, but also the growing process. So that process is very important for strawberries. I am happy to be part of Coöperatie Hoogstraten and to be able to produce such a high quality product together with my colleagues. Our strawberries are usually picked in the morning and then taken straight to the auction, after which they quickly reach your plate. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and a skiing vacation is always welcome.



Robert van Aert

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