Roy Van Meer


Roy Van Meer

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Roy Van Meer

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Hello, my name is Roy van Meer and together with my wife I grow strawberries for Coöperatie Hoogstraten. I've been doing this since I was little, as I took over the company from my parents. My father still helps me regularly on the farm. I grow our strawberries with great pride for Coöperatie Hoogstraten, they stand for the best strawberries of the highest quality. We are a real small-scale family business where we do most of the work ourselves. This way I help to ensure that our strawberries are of the highest possible quality. I don't have much free time; when the strawberries don't require my attention, I have two small children who constantly occupy me. Plenty of work for us!

Roy Van Meer


Hello, my name is Roy van Meer and together with my wife I grow strawberries for Coöperatie Hoogstraten. I've been doing this since I was little, as I took over the company from my parents. My father still helps me regularly on the farm. I grow our strawberries with great pride for Coöperatie Hoogstraten, they stand for the best strawberries of the highest quality. We are a real small-scale family business where we do most of the work ourselves. This way I help to ensure that our strawberries are of the highest possible quality. I don't have much free time; when the strawberries don't require my attention, I have two small children who constantly occupy me. Plenty of work for us!



Roy Van Meer

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