Jans Peter


Jans Peter

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Jans Peter

Originating from:


Hello, my name is Jans Peter. I was born in 1987 in Tongeren. I grew up together with my younger sister Sofie and brother Kristof in my parents' mixed horticulture company. They grew leeks and strawberries in the open and under tunnels. I spent a lot of hours outside so I could follow the growth of the strawberry plants. I studied at the horticultural college PIBO in Tongeren and wrote my thesis on strawberries. That's how I rolled into my parents' business. In 2019 I got the chance to take over a company with glass strawberries in Herk- De- Stad . this I grabbed with both hands. I now grow strawberries from early April to early December. The quality of these fruits is very important to me. I hope to grow the "delicious, sweet and healthy sweets of the sun" for many years to come.

Jans Peter


Hello, my name is Jans Peter. I was born in 1987 in Tongeren. I grew up together with my younger sister Sofie and brother Kristof in my parents' mixed horticulture company. They grew leeks and strawberries in the open and under tunnels. I spent a lot of hours outside so I could follow the growth of the strawberry plants. I studied at the horticultural college PIBO in Tongeren and wrote my thesis on strawberries. That's how I rolled into my parents' business. In 2019 I got the chance to take over a company with glass strawberries in Herk- De- Stad . this I grabbed with both hands. I now grow strawberries from early April to early December. The quality of these fruits is very important to me. I hope to grow the "delicious, sweet and healthy sweets of the sun" for many years to come.



Jans Peter

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