Fruit company Nijs


Fruit company Nijs

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Fruit company Nijs

Originating from:


Fruit company Nijs is a family business, now in its third generation. From originally a mixed company with pigs and fruit, it has evolved into a modern company with strawberries and pears. Our strawberries have an exceptionally good and sweet taste. By being present among the people and picking strawberries myself, I keep as close contact as possible with the product. We do our utmost and are proud to be able to offer you the most delicious strawberries.

Fruit company Nijs


Fruit company Nijs is a family business, now in its third generation. From originally a mixed company with pigs and fruit, it has evolved into a modern company with strawberries and pears. Our strawberries have an exceptionally good and sweet taste. By being present among the people and picking strawberries myself, I keep as close contact as possible with the product. We do our utmost and are proud to be able to offer you the most delicious strawberries.



Fruit company Nijs

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