Jef & Nadine Adriaensen


Jef & Nadine Adriaensen

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Jef & Nadine Adriaensen

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Hello, We are Jef and Nadine from Adriaensen lv. That we chose to grow strawberries was perhaps not so strange. Our parents are also Hoogstraten growers and that is how it came to us. We have different ways of growing strawberries. In greenhouses, protected cultivation in the open air and also open ground strawberries. We always have "fresh plants". That means that we grow cuttings and plant them again after the harvest. Planting, harvesting, taking cuttings, cleaning out... This work goes on all year round, but in the main season, of course, it is at its busiest. A typical day then starts at 5.30am and we try to stop around 9pm. When there is time, we enjoy a trip to the sea with our children Pim and Inez. Nice that you bought our strawberries and we hope they made it! Greetings, Family Adriaensen, Fiere Hoogstraten growers since 2013.

Jef & Nadine Adriaensen


Hello, We are Jef and Nadine from Adriaensen lv. That we chose to grow strawberries was perhaps not so strange. Our parents are also Hoogstraten growers and that is how it came to us. We have different ways of growing strawberries. In greenhouses, protected cultivation in the open air and also open ground strawberries. We always have "fresh plants". That means that we grow cuttings and plant them again after the harvest. Planting, harvesting, taking cuttings, cleaning out... This work goes on all year round, but in the main season, of course, it is at its busiest. A typical day then starts at 5.30am and we try to stop around 9pm. When there is time, we enjoy a trip to the sea with our children Pim and Inez. Nice that you bought our strawberries and we hope they made it! Greetings, Family Adriaensen, Fiere Hoogstraten growers since 2013.



Jef & Nadine Adriaensen

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