Rien & Jose van de Broek - Oostvogels


Rien & Jose van de Broek - Oostvogels

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Rien & Jose van de Broek - Oostvogels

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Hello, we are Rien and Jose and in 1971 we started a horticultural business. Since 2002 we have been growing only strawberries. Quality and taste come first. We are busy with our strawberries every day, this way we can ensure that we always deliver the best possible strawberries to our customers. Our work is our hobby. If you are not satisfied with our product, please tell us, if you are satisfied with our product, please tell others. Enjoy your meal! Kind regards! Rien & Jose

Rien & Jose van de Broek - Oostvogels


Hello, we are Rien and Jose and in 1971 we started a horticultural business. Since 2002 we have been growing only strawberries. Quality and taste come first. We are busy with our strawberries every day, this way we can ensure that we always deliver the best possible strawberries to our customers. Our work is our hobby. If you are not satisfied with our product, please tell us, if you are satisfied with our product, please tell others. Enjoy your meal! Kind regards! Rien & Jose



Rien & Jose van de Broek - Oostvogels

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