Danny Laurijssen


Danny Laurijssen

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Danny Laurijssen

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Hello, I am Danny and together with my wife Jeannine I have been growing strawberries since 2005 for Coöperatie Hoogstraten. It all started as a hobby because of our passion for growing strawberries. When after a few years we got the opportunity to work full time with the strawberries we quit our regular job and grew the business. Growing strawberries is hard work, but we haven't regretted it for a single moment. Today we have a modern farm where strawberries are grown in greenhouses on racks. In our spare time, we love to ride bikes and regularly go to watch soccer with our children.

Danny Laurijssen


Hello, I am Danny and together with my wife Jeannine I have been growing strawberries since 2005 for Coöperatie Hoogstraten. It all started as a hobby because of our passion for growing strawberries. When after a few years we got the opportunity to work full time with the strawberries we quit our regular job and grew the business. Growing strawberries is hard work, but we haven't regretted it for a single moment. Today we have a modern farm where strawberries are grown in greenhouses on racks. In our spare time, we love to ride bikes and regularly go to watch soccer with our children.



Danny Laurijssen

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